Apply for a grant today from The Connaught Trust!
You can apply throughout the year and as many times as you wish.
Applications should be submitted by the 1st of the month in which the trustee meetings take place. If submitted after this date, we will take your application to the next meeting.​​
The next application deadline 1st April 2025 (Trustee Meeting 2nd May 2025).
Click here to read our Grant Giving Policy.
If you'd like to discuss your application before submitting, please do get in touch by emailing
What can we use the grant funding for?
Support is provided for reservists as well as army cadets, sea cadets, air cadets and combined cadet forces. This can help with activities and equipment such as:
Adventure Training Expeditions
Summer Camps
Improvements to Existing Facilities
Sports Equipment
Transport Facilities
​Battlefield Tours
Training Equipment
If you have a requirement for funding, we're happy to chat with you informally to establish if this is something you could apply for from The Connaught Trust.
Feel free to contact us here or email
Areas We Cover: We accept grant applications from Reserve and Cadet units across Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Dorset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Surrey and West Sussex.
How much can we apply for?Grants are normally made on a one-off basis of up to £5,000.00 (but can in some circumstances be more) to Reservist or Cadet units that can satisfy the objectives of the fund and where funds cannot be obtained from military and other charitable organisations. Applications for retrospective activities will not be considered.
When can we apply?The Trustees normally meet three times a year to review applications. Applications should be submitted by the 1st of the month in which the trustee meetings take place. If submitted after this date, we will take your application to the next meeting.​​ The next application deadline 1st April 2025 (Trustee Meeting 2nd May 2025).
We have received a grant before - can we apply again?There is no limit to how many applications you can submit, and we welcome applications throughout the year. You can apply at any time during the year and as many times as you wish.
Our last application was unsuccessful - can we apply again?Yes. We provide feedback for all applications so will explain the reasons for a grant not being awarded. You can apply for more grants at any time. The number of previous applications, whether successful or not, has no impact on your opportunity to apply again.
We need approval from our headquarters before submitting an application - how can we do this?Our online application form allows you to draft your application, then send it to a specified email address for further input and approval. You can edit the form as many times as you wish, then when it is complete you can submit it to us. If you have any questions either before or after you submit your application, just get in touch here or send an email to and we'll be happy to help.
We have some ideas for an application but would like to check if it meets your objectives before we fill in the application form. Can we speak to someone first?If you have any questions either before or after you submit your application, just get in touch here or send an email to and we'll be happy to help.